Electron backscatter diffraction data and sample analysis from the Nusfjord Shear Zone, Lofoten, Norway (NERC Grant NE/P001548/1)

Field and microstructural analysis of pseudotachylytes formed at lower crustal depths and now lying exposed in the Flakstadøy Anorthosite, Lofoten, Norway. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis : 10 EBSD datasets (cpr files) - unfiltered. These characterise deformation in pyroxenes spatially associated with pseudotachylyte faults in the Nusfjord anorthosite. Grain size analysis - backscattered electron (BSE) images and processed equivalents (segmented manually or with ImageJ software) of fragmented orthopyroxene for grain size analysis. Results are processed in the spreadsheet 'Grain size distributions for fragmented OPX'. Samples involved: LC1724 and N22 Grain growth modelling - spreadsheet calculating grain growth rates for orthopyroxene in samples LC1724 and N22 Strain analysis - used to estimate strain via clast analysis of mylonitised pseudotachylyte, sample 269c
Nenalezeno https://resources.bgs.ac.uk/images/geonetworkThumbs/d0954a48-8d9d-1684-e054-002128a47908.png
: http://data.bgs.ac.uk/id/dataHolding/13607842
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0: BGS Thesaurus of Geosciences:
NGDC Deposited Data
Shear zone
13.3200, 68.0400, 13.3900, 68.0500
LOFOTEN [id=133032]
creation: 2021-11-08
2021-11-01 - 2021-11-08
University of Plymouth
Luca Menegon
Drake Circus, Plymouth, PL4 8AA
email: not available
Role: principal investigator
University of Hull
Lucy Campbell
Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX
email: not available
Role: originator
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: distributor
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

EBSD data and BSE images: acquired from polished sections of the sampled pseudotachylytes at the Electron Microscopy Centre, Unversity of Plymouth using JEOL 7001 FEG-SEM (Nordlys Nano detector) and a JEOL 6610 low vacuum SEM (Nprdlys Max detector). Working distances, step sizes and accelerating voltages are contained within individual .cpr files. Grain growth modelling uses the empirical growth laws sourced from: Skemer, P., & Karato, S. (2007). Effects of solute segregation on the grain-growth kinetics of orthopyroxene with implications for the deformation of the upper mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 164(3), 186–196. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2007.06.011
INSPIRE Implementing rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and harmonisation of Geology
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services


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Metadata about metadata

British Geological Survey
Environmental Science Centre,Keyworth, NOTTINGHAM, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom
tel: +44 115 936 3100
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource