Corbetti InSAR Data set (NERC grant NE/L013932/1)

This data set contains a set of 226 unwrapped, geocoded interferograms derived from InSAR scenes processed over Corbetti Volcano, Ethiopia. The data were assembled from multiple sensors and processed using either the ICSE or GAMMA software package. The images presented here are generally not the same size as the raw InSAR images but instead are cropped to the extents of the volcano and its immediate environs.
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0: BGS Thesaurus of Geosciences:
Ground deformation
NGDC Deposited Data
Rift valleys
37.3700, 5.7100, 39.3500, 9.7200
creation: 2018-12-21
2003-12-17 - 2017-01-04
University of Edinburgh
Whaler, Kathy
, United Kingdom
Role: principal investigator
University of Bristol
Ophelia George
Wills Memorial Building, Bristol, BS8 1RJ
email: not available
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

Please see accompanying README file for full methodology. For each sensor, Pairs of interferograms were selected based on the perpendicular and temporal baselines less than the values provided in Table 1. The topographic phase contribution was removed from all interferograms using a 30 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model. Following the removal of the topographic phase, the resulting images were filtered and then all pixels with a coherence values above the given threshold were unwrapped and geocoded.
INSPIRE Implementing rules laying down technical arrangements for the interoperability and harmonisation of Geology
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services


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Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced NERC materials "Contains NERC materials ©NERC [year]"
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Metadata about metadata

British Geological Survey
Environmental Science Centre,Keyworth, NOTTINGHAM, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom
tel: +44 115 936 3100
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource