Digitised magnetogram data from the Carrington storm 25th August to 5th September 1859 recorded at Greenwich and Kew Gardens (NERC Grant NE/V002694/1)

This dataset is the most complete digitised magnetic records (as of Nov 2023) of the ten-day period from 25th August to 5th September 1859 encompassing the Carrington storm and its lesser recognised precursor on the 28th August. Based on digital images of the magnetograms from the BGS online archive collection and information from the observatory yearbooks and scientific papers, it is possible to scale the measurements to SI units (degrees of angle and nanoTesla) and extract quasi-minute cadence spot values. The contents of the zip file are various data in ASCII text files plus a readme and example code for plotting the data file; • README.txt - small text file • plot_Carrington1859_paper_plots_with_correlation.py - example code in Python3.7 to create plots • bartels : folder containing digitised KEW data from Bartels (1937) paper • hdz : folder containing extracted KEW and GRW data in single files with time, Horizontal (H), Declination (D) and Vertical (Z) magnetic field components • IAGA2002 : folder with KEW and GRW data in IAGA-2002 formatted files with standard headers • spot_values : GRW spot values taken from the 1859 yearbook tables in csv and txt files
Nenalezeno https://resources.bgs.ac.uk/images/geonetworkThumbs/0aa84dd8-7fb2-2f27-e063-0937940ae24b.png
: http://data.bgs.ac.uk/id/dataHolding/13608128
Geoscientific information
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0: BGS Thesaurus of Geosciences:
NGDC Deposited Data
Magnetic disturbances
-0.3200, 51.4600, -0.3100, 51.4700
-0.0100, 51.4800, 0.0100, 51.4900
Greenwich [id=1305759], Kew [id=1329490]
creation: 2023-11-13
1859-08-25 - 1859-09-05
Nagoya University
Keitaro Matsumoto
email: not available
Role: originator
Nagoya University
Hisashi Hayakawa
email: not available
Role: originator
British Geological Survey
The Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, EDINBURGH, EH14 4AP, United Kingdom
tel: 0115 936 3142
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: distributor
British Geological Survey
The Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, EDINBURGH, EH14 4AP, United Kingdom
tel: 0115 936 3142
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: originator
British Geological Survey
Environmental Science Centre, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, NOTTINGHAM, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom
tel: 0115 936 3143
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: distributor
British Geological Survey
Environmental Science Centre, Nicker Hill, Keyworth, NOTTINGHAM, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom
tel: 0115 936 3143
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: originator
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: distributor
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: distributor
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: originator
British Geological Survey
email: not available
Role: point of contact

Data Quality

The magnetogram records from Greenwich and Kew observatories are held by the British Geological Survey (BGS). In total, digital images of about 350,000 magnetograms from all eight UK observatories have been captured and are available online. The scanned magnetograms are accompanied by the yearbooks from each observatory. These provide vital metadata and information on the observatory operations, observing equipment and observation methods required to interpret the magnetograms and other geophysical data. In this record we provide the extracted of magnetic field values from the Greenwich and Kew magnetograms covering the 25th August to 5th September 1859 extreme (Carrington) geomagnetic storms using Engauge Digitize and scaling factors from other papers to convert them to digital values of time and SI units of magnetic field strength.
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Metadata about metadata

British Geological Survey
The Lyell Centre, Research Avenue South, EDINBURGH, EH14 4AP, United Kingdom
tel: +44 131 667 1000
email: enquiries@bgs.ac.uk
Role: point of contact

Coupled Resource