Metadata 4866

This database stores down-hole stratigraphic data to complement the seismic surface picks stored in the Seismic Locations And Sections Database (LOCSEC). Because these surfaces are chosen for their visibility on seismic data, they may not be directly equivalent to established BGS lithostratigraphic and/or choronstratigraphic divisions. However, the local coding system is based on and can relate to the BGS stratigraphic LEXICON. Stratigraphic picks are stored in terms of depth and seismic one-way travel tim...
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-04-17
This dataset represents the first publication of complete national maps from the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) and TellusNI projects, whose aim was to conduct a national geochemical survey of the United Kingdom in order to improve understanding of our geology and environment and provide quantitative evidence against which to gauge future environmental change. This dataset consists of a series of interpolated raster (ASCII grid) maps displaying the concentrations of a suite of chem...
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-04-17
Stress-Dependent permeability data for samples of the Glasgow Main coal and the overlying mudstone and sandstone from the UKGEOS research borehole GGC01. Associated XRD mineralogy, Helium Porosity, bulk and matrix densities are also included. Samples and data are derived from the UK Geoenergy Observatories Programme funded by the UKRI Natural Environment Research Council and delivered by the British Geological Survey.
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-04-17
Iso-content maps of Strontium (Sr), one of the chemical elements.obtained in the Geochemical Atlas of Spain Project, distributed in stream sediments (14,864 samples), superficial soils (0-20 cm.) (13,505 samples) and deeper soils (20-40 cm.) (7,682 samples). The results of the chemical analysis are shown in two types: total dissolution of the sample with 4 acids and partial dissolution with aqua regia. With the analytical results of all the sampled points, an isocontent map is made with adjustment to a s...
Metadata Contact: Geological Survey of Spain (IGME), España, Date Stamp: 2022-09-20
Porewaters from IODP Expedition 366 were extracted from serpentinite mud volcano sediments onboard the RV JOIDES Resolution (see Fryer et al, 2017; 2018 for details). Selected samples were then analysed at the University of Southampton for 87Sr/86Sr and boron isotopes and SUERC for stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope data. The strontium isotope data has recently been accepted for publication (Albers et al., 2019 (In Press) Fluid–rock interactions in the shallow Mariana forearc: carbon cycling and redox cond...
Metadata Contact: British Geological Survey, United Kingdom, Date Stamp: 2024-04-17
Structural framework limits (with uncertainties) and units in the Bavaria one-country pilot. Datasets compiled and harmonised by the Bavarian Environment Agency.
Structural framework limits (with uncertainties) and units in the Irish one-country pilot. Datasets compiled and harmonised by the Geological Survey Ireland.
Structural framework limits (with uncertainties) and units at pan-European scale. Compiled and harmonised by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Geological Survey of Belgium.
Structural framework limits (with uncertainties) and units in the Pannonian Basin area of interest. Compiled and harmonised from datasets of WP4 partners Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, Geological Survey of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian Geological Survey, Geological Institute of Romania, Geological Survey of Serbia, State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur, Geological Survey of Slovenia and State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine.
Structural framework limits (with uncertainties) and units in the Roer-to-Rhine area of interest. Compiled and harmonised from datasets of WP3 partners Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences – Geological Survey of Belgium, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Flemish Institute for Technological Research and Geological Survey of North Rhine‐Westphalia.
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